“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when
everything the American public believes is false.”
— William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981)

“The November 2000 activity in Florida and the calling for the ending of the Electoral College is meant to finalize the removal and destruction of the concept of the “United States” and to blend it into a fuzzy concept and uniform country called the “Unitedstatesofamerica.” In the “Unitedstatesofamerica” there is no room for individual opinions, diversity of lifestyles, or differences of laws. ”


It is my sad duty to inform you that the “UnitedStatesofAmerica” is about to expire. This will be shown to the public when the the upcoming Democratic Convention in a few days announces that the Democrat nominee for president is NOT Barack Obama but instead is Hillary Clinton.

How could such a thing happen? It was preordained many years ago. I even announced it at the end of “The Brother Jonathan Story” (available from the front page of the BroJon Gazette) which I wrote in 2001, so this is NOT new news.

The story to be passed around the Convention floor on Monday and Tuesday at the Democrat national Convention in Colorado is that Barack Obama is Not a natural born American citizen (EDIT: John McCain also as he was born in Panama) and thus is not qualified by the US Constitution to be President. There are many qualified candidates who were born in he US, but they weren’t chosen Since Obama can’t be President, the only candidate left standing is Hillary Clinton. By Wednesday, the convention will select Hillary as the nominee by general acclamation, and the rest is preordained history. The story about Obama not being qualified for President has been around the Internet for many months, but it was never published in the media, newspapers or on TV and that’s why you assume it must not be true. Why? Because the news media is controlled by the Troika and you were lied to and believed the fiction that Obama was selected by the people as the nominee. No. Obama and McCain were instead selected by the Troika not the people of America.

And for 35 years Hillary has worked for the Troika and was promised the Presidency of the “UnitedStatesofAmerica.” It has been preordained for 35 years. Earlier this year in March 2008 Queen Hillary was asked “how can she be qualified a a nominee since she has no presidential experience.” She stated then that she “has had Presidential experience for 35 years.”

I was aghast at the news media for saying such things as we can’t investigate her experience since they can’t get access to papers in the Clinton Presidential Library in Arkansas. What do the papers in Bill Clinton’s library have to do with what was happening 35 years ago. NOTHING! The news media was controlled and misdirected. Do the math. From 2008 and subtracting 35 years, what was happening? That was 1973. What happened in 1973? Unless you were raised under a rock and went through the American non-education system, you would remember what happened was the Watergate Scandal and the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

And who was most critical in making that event happen? It was a young newly graduated Republican attorney and a “red-hot” Republican Barry Goldwater supporter, named Hillary Rodham. She was called then a “Goldwater Girl.” Her actions made sure Nixon resigned. That was her Presidential experience 35 years ago, and in return for forcing Nixon to resign, his successor was not elected as required by law, but simply appointed, according to the 25 Amendment (Also known as the Rockefeller Amendment) including both President Gerald Ford and Vice President Nelson Rockefeller (Troika number 3) . In return for her service Hillary was promised by the Troika the Presidency herself. Thus is what was preordained 35 years ago. I have known it for several decades and frequently written stories about it.

The American public has been “mind controlled” in this fashion for well over 100 years. A little inside secret – for well over 100 years, the Troika has always been one man who controls the world, and his name is John D.. Rockefeller. But hold on, you say, he was born in the 1800’s and died long ago, how can he control the world? I have named this group in the past as “The Empire of Energy” mostly known as Standard Oil. And like any good Emperor he passed on his worldly power and title to his oldest son.

John D. Rockefeller was the father of John D. Rockefeller Junior (Troika 2) who controlled world events during World War I. John D. Rockefeller III was born in the early 1900’s but died in a car accident in 1928, so his power and title (Troika 3) was taken up collectively by his four younger brothers named Nelson, Laurence, Winthrop and David. They controlled the world from World War II, The Korean War, the Vietnam War and the youngest, David Rockefeller still survives today to control all the world economies through the World Bank. All of this is documented in my book “Black Gold Hot Gold” available on the front page of the Brother Jonathan Gazette. So even this in not news.

What is news is that John D. Rockefeller IV is the new Troika. But Troika 4 is known “affectionately” by the news media as Jay Rockefeller, Senator from West Virginia and a Super Delegate to the Democratic Convention. It was Jay who temporarily switched his super delegate vote from Hillary to Obama many months ago. This was to cover up the fact that Obama was not qualified for the job, and to hush up any media retelling of the story. Hillary never conceded her race for the Presidency, she only “suspended” it. She already knew what had been promised to her. It will be Jay, as a super delegate to the Democratic convention, in several days, who will announce Obama is not qualified and Jay will then complete the promise made to Hillary by his Uncle Nelson (Troika 3) 35 years ago. To know and predict the future, simply know the past, or as philosopher Santayana says be resigned to live it over again and again. So much for the US education system which has hidden the past for so long that most Americans and most people around the world keep falling for the same tricks over and over again.

To take another view of this story I refer you to the quote at the top of this page. It has been there for years. It says, CIA director Bill Casey in 1981 said, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” Many people have ignored the quote as hyperbole and what is my source, how come the quote can’t be found or documented on the Internet. Let me explain. I got the quote first hand from a woman named Barbara Hoenegger in San Francisco in 1988.

Barbara was then a recent college graduate and wanted to help in the campaign for her favorite Nominee Ronald Reagan. I first met Reagan in 1970 when me and a team of 4 from the US Jaycees made a project to document all the infrastructure resources in the state of California. We got a grant from Sears Corp to produce the index of sources as something like a large phonebook and we presented 1,000 copies for all California cities to then California Governor Ronald Reagan. I found Reagan to be pleasant but fairly unknowledgeable. He divided the world into freedom loving capitalists and communists. Reagan knew nothing of the Troika which had produced that false dualistic world image of good versus the evil empire.

When Barbara told me that she became an assistant to Reagan’s campaign manager. Bill Casey, that seemed OK to me. At least Casey was just a political manager and not a Troika member. When Casey was appointed by Reagan as CIA director, Barbara simply went along to Washington as a staff member. I know of no CIA director who knows of or has ever heard of the Troika . He is never told for reasons of plausible deniability, and also any random politician can’t be trusted and no CIA director is ever told who actually runs the CIA, therefore he can’t accidentally blab to Congress during CIA reports. At present, this is not a problem since the CIA reports to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which is presently chaired by Senator Jay Rockefeller, Troika number 4, and Jay never says or asks the CIA about the Troika. So when William Casey as a new director of the CIA, was told of the real CIA mission, it came out as the strange quote about CIA disinformation. Barbara was so shocked by that statement by her boss that she wrote it down. Barbara reported the Casey quote to Washington friends and soon Barbara was hounded out of office as a loose wing-nut, conspiracy theorist, which is the current opinion to be found on most blogs about Barbara today. Which is why I never read blogs. Blogs are mostly recycled Troika fiction, which if you tell a big enough lie often enough, most people will believe it – that’s blogging today.

To explain that let me quote another CIA director, William Colby, former CIA Director (1973-1975). “The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) owns everyone of any significance in the majormedia.” This quote comes under the Rubric of “Operation Mockingbird.” Look it up. Supposedly an operation making up false stories and then issuing them to the news media as false government intelligence hand-outs. For more info, look it up, but be aware that most information is false. Supposedly Operation Mockingbird was created at the same time as the CIA in 1947. Wrong.

What I will document is that this Operation actually predates the CIA by several decades, maybe as early as 1927 when the CIA predecessor was called the OSS . All of the names of the prominent journalists and newspapers involved are accurate, but those CIA dates from 1947 and after should be viewed with skepticism. I will soon prove that the American news media was responsible for creating World War II by covering up a prominent news story from 1939, which was Stalin’s mass genocide of 20 million blond-haired blue eyed Ukrainians. When the genocide rumors appeared in the US in 1939, Arthur Sulzberger then Publisher at the New York Times, and also trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation (1939 to 1957) sent journalists to Ukraine who reported that that there were no deaths in the Ukraine and nobody died.. Sulzberger knew from his own journalists that the story was false but reported it anyway under Troika/OSS direction. Thus Operation Mockingbird predates 1947 and the CIA by at least a decade, if not longer.

To clear this up, lets take a look at the murky dark underworld of Soviet and American intelligence agencies. In the US this is usually known as the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) which was replaced in 1947 by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) but there is more to the American story. In Russia, in the 1920’s there was the Russian Government Political Administration (GPU). In 1934 the GPU became known is the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD), basically the Soviet secret state police during World War II.

Later the NKVD became known as the committee for State Security (KGB) then managed by the now popular Vladimir Putin. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991 the KGB was renamed the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) but was still under control of Vladimir Putin. The FSB name probably made it look more like the civilian American FBI rather than the nasty secretive CIA or KGB. But since Vladimir Putin ran both the KGB and the later FSB, they are obviously both the same agencies.

A quick look at this panoply of American and Soviet agencies shows that the OSS and the original Russian GPU were both run by the same man, the Troika, the eldest survivor of John D Rockefeller. And thus so have all the subsequent agencies, despite the many name changes. How is that possible? In the late 1800’s while America was still finding its early oilfields in Texas, California and Arkansas, The Rockefeller family found the largest oilfields in the world in southern Russia in the region of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. This discovery has always been hidden from the American public, to keep the price of oil as high as possible.

At that time, the massive oilfield, much bigger than the little oil droplets known as Saudi Oil, was owned by two wealthy families: The Rockefellers and the Nobels. Through standard Rockefeller trickery Standard Oil become the owner of the whole oilfield and the Nobels were tossed out. Alfred Nobel took his remaining dynamite and oilfield profits, moved out of Russia and founded the Nobel Peace Prize in his homeland of Sweden. Not so for John D. Rockefeller who became the wealthiest most powerful man in both America and Russia in 1890. In today’s dollars John D. Rockefeller made Microsoft founder, Bill Gates look like a mere pauper. Rockefeller founded the early Russia GPU to administer Russia as his personal fiefdom and to prevent any competition from entering Russia. He later named the Russian governmental system as socialist or communist to hide the fact that the Troika, an American oilman, was running Russia. All of this is documented in my book, Black Gold Hot Gold, in the Brother Jonathan Gazette.

How can I tell my story is accurate. Since April of 2008 I have had a corespondent in Russia. She is a cute blond-haired blue eyed Russian who lives in Siberia. Most Siberians call themselves Russian not Siberian. If Siberia were a separate country, it would be one of largest most powerful nations of the world. I was sure that a blond blue eyed Russian would know of or at least have heard of the genocide of 20 million blond blue eyed Ukrainians in 1939 and later the attempted genocide of 50 million blond blue eyed Siberians in 1944. And why the strange focus on blond blue eyed Ukranians and Siberieans. But NO, she tells me she never heard that story. How could that be? I heard that genocide story myself on Siberian shortwave Radio in 1960. But since then it has been erased from the Russian memory by the KGB. Any remaining Siberians who claim to know of that story have also since disappeared. It had already been erased from American memory by the New York Times, simply by never being reported. I can even prove the story is true using old World War II photographs, not shown in the US. All of this is explained in my correspondence with my friend. I will publish them as a series called “The Russian Letters.” You need to know this.

I made the mistake in 1989 of telling my colleagues at NASA that I had discovered that the Hole in the Ozone Layer and Global Warming were both hoaxes based on data I found in 1988. The result was that NASA branded me a “whistleblower” and I was banned from any employment, at NASA or anywhere else. I was even convicted and given a three year sentence for exposing false Troika science, but the judge called it non-payment of child support, since anybody smart enough to be a top scientist a NASA could easily pay child support, but the Judge wasn’t listening and had never heard of the Troika. I posted my scientific proof in the Gazette in 2007. I need to republish those charts again.

I am pumped to give you the data in “The Russian Letters.” You will finally learn the truth about the American political system, and why I have named this news service the Brother Jonathan Gazette. It is to expose the century-long hand of the Troika in American politics. Also I have waited until the eve of the Democrat Convention so that the news media could not report to Troika 4, Jay Rockefeller that his hand has just been exposed. Or he might try another ploy or simply put off acclaiming Hillary as the convention nominee until the end of the week thus making it look like the Troika was not responsible or not even involved.

But when you find that the Convention did not approve Barack Obama and Joe Biden as nominees you will know you heard it here first on Sunday Evening August 24, 2008. And for that to happen, the Troika must be involved, and what I just told you must be true.

But you say, hold on, just getting Hillary named the Democratic nominee does not win the election, she still has to campaign against the Republican John McCain. Not So. The Troika already handled that case. Just as Obama is a citizen of the US, he is not a “natural born” citizen as required by the Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment changed the definition of “Citizen” but it did not change the definition of “natural born” citizen meaning born in the US. I spent several years studying Constitutional Law and the 14th Amendment. It will be left as a last minute October surprise by the democrats to expose the fact that Senator John McCain is NOT a natural born citizen. McCain was born in Panama while his famous father. a noted Admiral, was on Navy duty in Panama. While the 14th Amendment states that John McCain is a citizen of the US born, of two American citizens, McCain’s birth certificate shows he is NOT a natural born American citizen and thus not qualified for the job as President. Likewise Obama’s birth certificate shows he was born in Kenya, just like the rest of his brothers and family. Obama’s mother flew to Hawaii and recorded his birth in Hawaii. But that was days or weeks after birth and, a birth record is NOT the same as a birth certificate. Thus for the last year you have been tricked, fooled and entertained by the Troika controlled news media into believing the political campaign news was about the votes and selection of two candidates, Republican McCain and Democrat Obama. It was all a false shell game to make you believe that they were both qualified to be candidates for President. But not so. In November 2008 in the election booth your ballot will only have one qualified candidate name, Queen Hillary Rodham. What? A ballot with only one candidate? That sounds like the Soviet Union. Now you are catching on. Both the Russian and American, “Troika controlled” political systems only contain the preferred Troika name. All other names are dismissed as “not qualified” or not enough votes to make a difference. For 100 years, and especially since the assassination of President John Kennedy, the Americans have been fooled, and for 70 years the Soviets were fooled. Today in Russia it is even worse. Today in Russia any Russian who believes he has vote in the political system is simply snorting his vodka.

To lighten things up a bit after this long sad story, here is a joke. It is a Troika joke. In January 2009, with Troika help, Hillary finally becomes President of the US. She felt that finally she would sit in the office of the most important person in the most powerful Nation in the world. She was frustrated when she found out that Vladimir refused to move out, simply ignoring any votes he appointed his own successor, Russian President Dmitri Meved – (drum roll and rimshot) At least thats how it was reported on Russia Today (RT), the modern live 24/7 Internet version of the old North American Service of Radio Moscow (from 1950 to 1990)…

Marshall Smith

Editor, Brother Jonathan Gazette

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